Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas Tree 2008

I hope that eventually my children {Mollie} will forgive me for the year of 2008 which will go down in the history of our family as the year without a "real tree". I freely admit that we here at the Johnson home are a family of Christmas Tree snobs. We always have a real [dead] Christmas Tree, till now... I have experienced years before in our 22 Christmases together when we have had kittens. I know the havoc they can reek on a Christmas Tree!! Well this year there were 7 kittens in the house. I know, don't even start with me about how I need my head examined. Within a few hours of the lovely artificial tree, Which I happen to Love thank you very much, being up, yes all of the 7 were in it and having a ball. We didn't even bother decorating it for a few days. Then I got out the trusty spray bottle and the tree became less appealing.

I am sorry Miss Mollie, I hope you can forgive me.

1 comment:

Elisa said...

Did the cat come with the tree?

Cute! Even though I am DEATHLY allergic-- I think Kittens are adorable.

Happy 2009~!

word verification: stompit. Uhhh. Ok. But what should I stompit it with??