Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Things on My Mind

The weather has cooled off again back into the 7o - 80 degree range. This must be heaven's temperature. I love the grass, all of the spectacular new leaves on my trees, my flowers which are in blooming splendor. Birds sing all day long, doors are open wide allowing their songs to fill my home with the music. The kittens and cats lounge, I have seen them rolling around in the dirt, on top of the dog house, on top of the gazebo (that was quite a leap), in the trees, catching all manner of bugs, flies, etc... in the hose pot, any small space they can find refuge from the dog's friendly advances, and often there are 5 or more of them asleep on my bed during the day!

Yesterday I lounged on my lawn chair out back while Isaac and Christian sword fought and romped and played. Isaac took regular breaks to climb on top of me and lie there as we discussed the tree, clouds, sky, and airplanes above our heads, then down he would climb off to chase the kittens, check out whatever caught his eye, get knocked over by Johnny, and bring joy to existence.

I suppose I should be grateful for the sickness which has slowed me down considerably for the last two weeks. It has given me time to savor spring.

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