Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Garage Bands belong in Garages

Today Christian and his band Extra Lucky practiced in my Living Room. Don't get me wrong here, these are some hard working, great sounding musicians, but I was NOT feeling Extra Lucky today.
My house was shaking and now my head is aching.
The End


Heidi said...

We never had a garage for Nate's band to practice in, so it has been in our living room. He has not had a band in a few years but sometimes he hooks his les paul up to the amp and it does get loud. He will have to tell Christian about his new graduation present. I'm sure he will be excited. I need to post about it on our blog.

brightfamfarm said...

Next time you can always send them over here....my kids would love it and I am deaf enough not to care :-)


Turleygirl said...

You are a good mom.