Friday, June 12, 2009

Isaac and Jericho

Today Isaac and I went for a walk.
We started out to go visit Becky but first we went to see Jericho.
We had a lovely visit and what fun to find her home on such an impromptu occasion. Isaac had a grand time exploring all of the Lewis's toys.

Then we walked to Becky's and visited the bunnies, o so many bunnies, the chickens and all of their chicks, the ducks, the geese, and the turkeys. Isaac was adorable learning to honk like a goose.
Becky's children love to play with Isaac and I love to watch him play with them.

Jared and I had a very early in the afternoon date so that I could work in the yard as the sun was going down in the evening.

Tomorrow is another Temple Day for our Family, this time Carlin and Naomi. I can hardly wait.
Our blessing are Tremendous.


Heidi said...

How exciting. Have a great day.

mile191 said...

Vickie..thanks for all the responses, and the answer is yes, it is fine. You can post me whereever however, I don't think most people make the connection ever anyhow, and this is how you know me, so that is fine. Let me know if you need help with setting things up. hugs. and good luck, you are certainly in my thoughts and prayers.


mile191 said...

Vickie..thanks for all the responses, and the answer is yes, it is fine. You can post me whereever however, I don't think most people make the connection ever anyhow, and this is how you know me, so that is fine. Let me know if you need help with setting things up. hugs. and good luck, you are certainly in my thoughts and prayers.


Wendi said...

I am so excited for your day today in the Temple. Nothing like it, just nothing like it. Enjoy each moment and let them know how proud we all are of them. Wow... what a journey. Good job mom for being who you are and letting them be who they are and loving them no matter what. You are wonderful. I love you sweet lady.

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

So cool! Enjoy this day.Hugs, Bobbi Jo