Monday, June 29, 2009


This is what I would rather do with my laundry baskets anyday! Happy Monday friends!

I can't believe it is the last few days of June.
I have spent most of my time lately trying to capture and hopefully create sweet moments as our time with Stephan home is drawing to a close. We, he and I spend close to 600 dollars last week on things he need for his mission. He is so happy and cute when he is shopping, and just like his mom, wants to finish as soon as possible. Get what he needs and get out!
I also confess, I am trying so hard to stay calm about getting the house clean in time for all the festivities coming up. I worry too much, but I am trying not to.

I am also trying to survive this heat with a good attitude, doesn't always work. I am so happy to report though that with the milder than normal June, lots of watering, (thanks for all your help Chris!), and some extra blessings from God, many of my plants are still thriving! This is a thrill to me. I can't wait for the RAIN!!!!

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