Saturday, August 22, 2009

Cute Things Isaac Says and Does

He pushes the test page button on our printer, gets so excited because he has printed something, and wants someone to make him an airplane out of the paper.
One time, I wasn't paying attention, and he printed a test page on all of the paper in the tray.

He know how to get to my house, is a great back seat driver, and if his parents aren't going to my house but drive near our street he yells, "Goga, Goga."

He gets so excited to play with his Thomas train that he is calling "Thomas" as soon as he comes through the door.
He also has a Billy, an Elizabeth, and a Rosie, but he will not call her Rosie, because Jared called her "what's her face" when he took them all out of the package. Isaac consistently insists on calling her "Face" no matter how many times grandpa tells him her name is Rosie.

He puts the leash on Johny and leads him around the house for a walk.
That is, if he is not climbing on Johny and riding him like a horse, or laying down on Johny's bed with him.

He loves to put pennies in Grandpa's robot bank. He has this funny little quirky thing that he does when he twists each penny before he can deposit it!

He loves to shred paper. He says "schredda" over and over.

He loves to watch Kipper.

He thinks all of our 5 sugar gliders are named "Cal" because one of them is named Calvin.

He is the Joy of his Grandpa and Goga's life.


Wendi said...

Grandkids are utlimately the best thing ever. I am sure enjoying mine. They grow up so fast and do the silliest things, that is what makes life worth hangin in there for. By the way I love your wordless wednesdays, keep that up girlfriend. Love you tons, miss you in Primary!!!

Loralee and the gang... said...

What a cutie pie! Grandkids are the best!

LaDonna said...

Makes me anxious for grandkids!
Love it! and I'm with Wendi, love the wordless Wednesdays.

in time out said...

so sweet...and I love your wordless wednesday. Thanks for sharing...cant wait to catch up on more. I have missed a lot.

Jodie said...

Aww...he sounds like such a joy to be around.

Tobi said...

He sounds like a delightful boy to have around. I love the names that little kids make up for everyday objects. =)