Thursday, August 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandpa Wimmer

Duane serving in the Army 1963-1964, stationed in Germany.

For my children, for my sweet niece, and anyone who reads this after you,

It is his birthday this week and I wanted to remember him here and record a few of my memories of him for myself and for you. Eleven years ago grandpa Wimmer returned home to that God who gave him life.  Eleven years is over half of your lives as his grandchildren.

Your grandpa, my dad, had the most charming smile.  I remember that more than anything else about him.  He could make me feel special with just a smile.

My daddy and me picking mom's beautiful flowers.  1967
Grandpa Wimmer was a very hard worker.  He left for work early before 7am.  We lived so close to where he worked at Arizona Public Service that he could leave close to when he had to be there and was home around 3:30 in the afternoon every day.  So, as kids we would get up when we heard him, wait for him to open the bathroom door for us and watch him shave every day.  (At least that is how it seemed.)
Dad shaves while Tricia and Kim watch.

After his job at APS grandpa would come home and begin a full days worth of chores at home.  There were pigs and cows to feed and when I was really young there was still the Wimmer Hatchery to help my Grandma and Grandpa with.  That means a whole lot of chickens.  Grandpa had gardens as far as the eye can see for a small child.  He and grandma worked very hard in those gardens and we had delicious food from them.  Grandpa had an alfalfa field which he harvested hay to feed our cows from.  There was also an apple orchard with what seemed like endless tasty red apples.  I think there was even a pear tree or two.
Grandpa and Uncle Darren on the tractor.

I remember that my dad could fix or make anything.  He was always repairing and building.  I remember that he took classes to improve his fixing skills, now remember that I was a little girl in the 70's, these classes meant circuits, technology, sodering  guns, and all manner of cool things to watch him do.

Your grandpa loved to go camping.  We had a Ford truck with a camper on it from the time they brought Aunt Tricia home from the valley.  I remember my parents went to Mesa to get me a sister and they also brought home a new truck with a camper on it.  He loved to cook camp food and enjoyed being outdoors very much.  He went to the Fathers and Sons outings with you boys when you were very little.

I know that it has been difficult for my children to understand why we weren't close to him for most of their growing up.  I know that it has been difficult for the the cousins to understand why everything had to be the way it was, and why we couldn't all be close.  I am not good at pretending or acting so our family did not participate in most of the extended family functions after Mollie was born. 

I want you all to know that I know this the way I know the Sun will rise and the Savior will come again,
 Things work out, They ALWAYS work out.
Someday you will understand.
Someday the Savior of us all will touch the 
Broken Places
in us all.
He is the great repairer of the
His love is infinite and we are all 
Children of a Heavenly Father 
who Loves us and wants nothing more than for our family to be eternal.

Happy Birthday Dad.


kimohayes said...

Very nice, thank you for sharing.


Rheslie said...

Hurray for us being blog friends! I really love these pictures! I also remember you having some amazing scrapbooks!

Alyson | New England Living said...

Thanks so much for coming to my blog and saying all that you did! It means so, so much. I completely understand the broken family dynamics. It is incredibly sad and I still mourn that I can't be as close as I want to the people I love, but I simply can't. I love to read your hope! I love to read your testimony! You are an amazing woman! xx