Monday, January 3, 2011

“We cannot see the future with precision, but we can know what the Lord intends and what it will take [for] each of us to qualify personally to participate.”
Henry B. Eyring
Today I intend to ponder this beautiful hope filled promise from President Eyring all day long.  I want to take it in, I want it to become part of the fiber of my being.  I want to believe with all of my
heart that this is true.  I want a testimony of this promise.
I went to bed last night with such anticipation of how many things I could accomplish with a day all to myself with no distractions in the house today.  I woke up with such excruciating jaw pain that it had to take priority this morning.  I spent time with heat on it.  I did not even begin on my list of what I wanted to be important.  I prayed for relief.  I thought about how nice it would be to have my sister work her magic hands on my jaw and get it to loosen up.  Heavenly Father knows me and is aware of my struggles He cares for my needs.  Before noon there was a ring at my door and there she was, my sister, I had not called her but she had come by to get something she needed that I had and she had time to help me.  I am so very grateful.

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