Saturday, February 7, 2009


Don't Miss the Miracle

I, who cannot see, find hundreds of things
to interest me through mere touch.
I feel the delicate symmetry of a leaf.
I pass my hands lovingly
about the smooth skin of a silver birch,
or the rough shaggy bark of a pine...
I feel the delightful, velvety texture of a flower,
and discover its remarkable convolutions;
and something of the miracle of Nature
is revealed to me.
Occasionally, if I am very fortunate,
I place my hand gently on a small tree and feel
the happy quiver of a bird in full song...
At times my heart cries out with longing
to see these things.
If I can get so much pleasure from mere touch,
how much more beauty must be revealed
by sight.
Yet, those who have eves apparently see little.
The panorama of color and action
which fills the world is taken for granted...
It is... a great pity that, in the world of light,
the gift of sight
is used only as a mere convenience rather than
as a means of adding fullness to life.

"Don't Miss the Miracle," by Mark Link, compiled from the essay "If I Had Three Days to See," written by Helen Keller in 1933

Today is Saturday, I am still working on Simplifying, for me not as easy as I think it should be or sounds. Each day I pray that I will recognize The Lord's hand in my life. Today, I have seen some things with different eyes, quite possibly, OK definitely, Mostly just because I have opened my eyes to them on this particular day.

I spent time out back and realized that my flowers that I had planted from seed were beginning to bloom♥♥

I saw that my dog and Jared were playing fetch and that Johny would bring the toy
drop it and wait {you know, fetch} Whahhh... THIS IS NO SMALL MIRACLE, he is almost three and has never liked giving you back what you throw for him. I said, "What was that..?" and Jared said, "Yeah, he's been doing that for a few weeks now." Like it was nothing!!

I saw a confrontation coming between Mollie and I, I stopped us and said let's talk later.

I see how helpful and kind Jared is when I am stressed and frustrated. He is a good example for me.

1 comment:

Elisa said...

That was a lovely post!

All is see now is the completely trashed house from me being sick. Blech.