Wednesday, February 11, 2009

1000 Meal worms

This is the package I received in the mail today. Contents: Cricket {bug} water, Odor eliminator, Freeze dried meal worms, Glider Food in a jar, and 1000 live meal worms at 1" each.

Have you ever purchased 1000 meal worms? I have, many times over.

Baxter, our first glider in 2004.

You might say, Gross or TMI, or What the..., or That gives me the Heebee Jeebees, and I would answer, I don't blame you!! I thought all of that too. A very important part of the diet for our pet Sugar Gliders is the protein in Meal worms. I have gotten over my aversion to the crawly little critters for the sake of my 5 little delightful pets. We are all in love with these tiny creatures. They are marsupials which means they have pouches like kangaroos. When you touch them it is like touching mink or silk or the softest thing you can imagine!!

Sadie and Boo are popping out of this sock to say hi to Isaac during family home evening.

Baxter snoozes on Carlin's lap.

1 comment:

Elisa said...

My neighbor babysat one of those critters once... I was oddly intrigued. I would love to get one, however I think that my crazy boxer dog might think it was a snack and try to eat it.

Worms in the mail?? Who knew?!