Thursday, February 12, 2009


The Year I Turned 40 I Planted
A Garden of Sunflowers

They grew very fast, which I didn't know would happen. They were so gorgeous and I feel kind of silly admitting this but, I didn't realize how many different heights there would be. I just picked the seeds with pictures on the packets which appealed to me.

These flowers were like Trees, For Real!! Our one year old puppy though he was in Heaven. I can just imaging how happy all 8 cats and kittens will be this year when I plant another garden of Sunflowers.

My family is going to San Diego, sailing with Uncle Lee and Patrick for 4 DAYS!! I will have the house for some peace and quiet. All Weekend. Makes me even more grateful for President Washington and President Lincoln.

I plan to be planting Sunflowers.


Elisa said...

San Diego? I wanna go to San Diego. It's only like my most favorite place on earth!!!

I just have 1 other thing to say... 8 CATS? Wow. :>

angiedunn said...

i LOVE sunflowers.

They make me happy! And you're right...they get HUGE!! So fun.

You're adorable.

Vicki Johnson said...

Hi mommy! i am happy to see you used some of my pictures from back when i wanted to be a photographer. hahaha:) good times. i am also glad you plan on growing more sunflowers.