Saturday, June 6, 2009

A Day In Our Life

This afternoon, Friday, Christian and I took Isaac to see Up, the newest Disney Pixar movie, Jared met us there for his "Lunch". (That was awesome.) What a sweet and touching movie tribute to the love of a couple. Isaac was engaged for most of the movie and didn't seem bothered by the scary parts, still too little at age 2 to understand. I cried and Laughed out Loud several times, my idea of a perfect story!

Mollie spent her day preparing for EFY which she is leaving for early Monday morning with the Hatch girls. She is so excited and wants everything to be perfect.

Christian played with Isaac so much for me today. THANK YOU CHRIS!! He even took him to the park. Friday is going to be one of our summer Isaac days.

Stephan picked up his glasses rx from the optical today so that he could aquire an inexpensive extra pair of glasses to take with him on his mission!!
He even got off work earlier than usual tonight and was able to watch a movie on dvd with his dad.

Everyone was able to meet at Aunt Tricia's for a farewell barbeque for Uncle Darren because he is going home to his family tomorrow. These are special family memories I am so happy that we take the time to share when he comes to town. Grandma is feeling much better and getting over her pneumonia. I hope she will not over do it and be gentle with herself.
Aunt Kimmy is 1 week post op. on her back and moving around very well, we pray that she will get back the feeling in her leg and foot.

Tomorrow morning Jared and I will take Stephan bright and early to the Temple where he will take out his own Endowment in preparation for his Mission.
This is a beautiful Blessing.

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