Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunday Blessings, Father's Day Edition


This is your special day, we celebrate and honor you on this day.
Even though I am sure you feel that we torture you more than honor.
We want to let you know that we appreciate all of the hard work you do for all of us.
We also love how much you play with us.
You are a crazy kooky nutty goofy guy who keeps us laughing as often as possible,
{even if we don't want to.}
We love your hugs.
We love your encouraging talks.
We love you testimony of Jesus Christ.
We love that you want to be with us all Forever, even if we drive you crazy.
We love that you can fix almost anything.
We love that you are a good listener.
We love that you are a good teacher.
We love that you read scriptures with us and pray with us everyday.
We love to listen to you sing and play the guitar.
We love that you are patient with us most of the time.
We love that you spend time with us.
We love going on vacations with you.

I love that you love my cooking.
I love that I can talk to you about Isaac endlessly and you love it.
I love your Kisses.
I love that you are so patient with my shortcomings.
I love that you dream big dreams with me.
I love that you are endlessly my Friend and Lover.

I love that our Family can survive this life,
We are in this Together!


Turleygirl said...

Very nice tribute to your husband. Hey...what happened to your other blog?

mile191 said...

This was a beautiful tribute...thanks for sharing. hugs to you and yours, and thanks for the support, reading and encouraging me. i hope all is well with you.

i too wonder...what happened. talk to me, email:

maybe I can help...