Saturday, April 24, 2010


Isaac says really cute things!

Tonight we were all hanging out in the kitchen and having some food he wanted his mom to ask the blessing on the food. Before she started he reached out for me and said "I need my Goga."

During the week I told him we were going to go help our friend Dray at her house, she is moving and is also the woman who cuts his hair. He smiled so big and said, "Dray is my favorite friend." While we were at her house he was very sweet and colored and was all manner of goodness so that we could work. He stopped what he was doing came into the room where Dray was and said, "Dray, my a hair cut is gone."

We all watched Avatar and he got so excited about the helicopters. He also said, "they are camping!"

Last weekend all of my boys went to the father and sons outing for our ward. He was so excited to go "camping" he could hardly contain himself!


Ruth said...

You've found the secret joy, that isn't so secret really. It's simple.

Thank you for coming by synch-ro-ni-zing.

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