Sunday, May 16, 2010

No Excuses

This post is not about excuses for such a long absence. This post is about me living my life, being in the moment, taking one thing at a time and enjoying as much of spring as I can here where I live in the desert. I have missed reading my blog friends and knowing what is going on in all of your lives, or at least the parts you write about ;).

I have done some decluttering, but mostly I have been remembering to appreciate the beauty that surrounds me right now, not just longing for a day in the future when I have accomplished future goals.

My family has kept me busy lately, I think it is good this way as long as I remember that I have needs too and take time for them. Temperatures are climbing and threatening to soar into the 100's soon here in sunny AZ, but last week we had two glorious days of lovely cooler weather and I spent as much of my time as I could when the teenagers were at school outside on my swing reading and just simply soaking up the last of our springish weather.

Have a glorious day and I will be by to comment and let you know I am thinking of you all, dear blog buddies!

"This strong, silent place interrupts confusion, rage, and depression, and just now I feel more at home with the landscape than with people."
~ Joan Anderson


Heidi said...

come visit us when it gets too hot!

Landon and Jenna Threet said...

Isaac is thee cutest baby in the entire world! I don't know how you beat that little one (: I love you Aunt Vicki!