Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Our Fourth of July

On Saturday we went downtown to Main Street for our festivities.

We played games, enjoyed each other, ate treats, and of course
watched fireworks!

Here are Isaac and Naomi. They are pretty much the only ones who have the patience for all of my picture taking. I commit to ignoring more Mom picture taking protests!
I commit to taking more shots without intruding, so that I can get some pictures without purposely goofy looks.
I commit to ignoring all the testosterone loaded protests,
I could just kick myself 16 times for not taking several of these.
Blurry is not good.

Old cars are the bomb!

Isaac and Christian don't mind posing for me.

My soldiers, (Naomi took this picture.)

Bonus shot:
I really liked this rental power sign. These generators were everywhere.
Yeah for MESA!
That was a Party.


Heidi said...

Oh my gosh. Isaac is so cute (as always). Come visit us when you get too hot down there! We love having visitors! You can bring Isaac too! He would have a BLAST if he is anything like Jake.

Ray said...

I hear you. Jenni's the same way when I take lots of photos. Except without all that facial hair.