Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I read the bucket filler today on crazyland and had to smile.
Yesterday I took Sasha, my momma kitty, to be spayed. Yeah!!! No more kittens!!! Anywho, she had peed in her carrier so the blanket I had so lovingly placed in there was reeking and yes, you guessed it in the car she pooed in the carrier. Super reeking!!! So I let her out of the carrier and I felt so bad for my kitty.

I thought I might die from the smell and I was so thankful I was the only one in the car for the ride home. Others in my family would surely have puked! I didn't want to breathe. Then I saw the empty oil scent bottle I had in the tray there by me which I had put in the car when one of my kids said it stunk a couple of weeks ago. Those things smell even when empty. I picked it up and smelled it deeply, wow cloves and cinnamon sure beats... well you know. I did that the rest of the way home. I thought I might pass out from breathing so deeply. Man I need to stop shallow breathing through my days. I need to go back to yoga.

Yes! Sighing just might change my life!!


angiedunn said...


your blog rocks...been lovin' the posts, friend! keep 'em comin'.


Anonymous said...

wonderful blog V!...enjoying it VERY much! I have added you to my blog roll now..woohoo, HUGS! --C