Monday, December 8, 2008

Sunday Blessings

Today I am thankful for many things!!
Sleeping in.
A Daughter who was willing to go to church mega early with Naomi because she has to be at Nutcracker during our church time.
A son who filled his Priesthood responsibilities.
Cute Kittens.
A husbands who loves me.
The awesome huge poinsettias I bought from Red Mnt. High FFA which made great Mom gifts and neighbor gifts for Christmas EARLY!!
That I have almost finished my huge project for Jared's Christmas gift.
Veterans and Those who serve my country.
A Living Prophet.
My Bishop.
Testimonies at Church.
A mostly Clean House.
Stephan's very handsome haircut.
Teaching the Sunbeams about Jesus.
Maesyn twirling.
All of my Sunbeams sitting during sharing time, in their own seats!!!! That bribing wiggle bum worked. His eyes sparkled really. I can't believe I waited this long to try bribery.
Getting a surprise invitation to Allan and Cynthia's for dinner with their family. Awesome food, great company, no cooking, and no kids.
Driving with Jared to pick up Miss Mollie the Dancer.
Spending almost every minute since Friday at 7pm with Jared, I am going to miss him Like Crazy tomorrow.

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