Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It Happens...

If you listen real close I will tell you a secret.

I don't like to be yelled at. I don't like doors slammed around me. I don't like pouty fuming huffing humans who stomp around when they are mad at me. I don't like it when they are teenagers who live in my home (o yea, those are my teenagers) and I ESPECIALLY DON'T LIKE IT WHEN IT IS MY HUSBAND! I believe we should use words if we are angry, upset, hurt, or down. I believe in taking a break if we need one, walking away for awhile to cool off or chill or even pray.

I don't like it and I can wait as long as it takes for the sincere apology that comes from my man when he is looking at me (not at his phone while he is doing something else.)

I can wait, as long as it takes.
And I will. Because...
He is worth it, we are worth it.


Loralee and the gang... said...

I can really relate to this - and it always takes soo o o long for them to see the error of their ways!

angiedunn said...


it does happen, for sure.

{to everyone.}

and it makes ya stronger too!

hang in there, girlfriend.

tiki_lady said...

love your honesty. love your strength. yep, aggravating at times but they are worth it.

Tobi said...

I have the opposite problem. I'm the one doing the yelling and then doing all the apologizing for the yelling. I'm working on it.